cagd_lib/crvmatch.c:848 CagdCrvStruct *CagdMatchingTwoCurves(CagdCrvStruct *Crv1, CagdCrvStruct *Crv2, int Reduce, int SampleSet, int ReparamOrder, int RotateFlag, int AllowNegativeNorm, CagdMatchNormFuncType MatchNormFunc)
Crv1: The first curve.
Crv2: The second curve.
Reduce: The degrees of freedom of the reparametrization curve. The larger this number is, the better the reparametrization will be at the cost of more computation. Must be less than SampleSet
SampleSet: Number of samples the two curves are sampled at. The larger this number is, the better the reparametrization will be
ReparamOrder: Order of reparametrization curve.
RotateFlag: use or not use rotation in finding best matching
AllowNegativeNorm: If TRUE, negative norms are locally allowed.
MatchNormFunc: A pointer to the matching norm.